
What is Kamui?

There's been a new package added to the download page, even though there are no downloads attached to it yet, you may have also noticed that we've updated our trove categorisation.

Kamui, when complete, will come in 2 parts: a Tcl segment, for use on Eggdrops, which will be very similar (for the end-user) to the existing Wallerscript, but instead of using Eggdrops user and channel files, most things will have a MySQL backend, and will therefore allow portability.

This is where the second section of Kamui comes in, the PHP\MySQL front-end for the WWW. This allows you to edit your user settings\channel settings and also bot settings (for admins) online, as well as through IRC.

The project is still in an early phase whilst we develop the user system, but we will be posting releases as they become available.

ATM, Waller is the only dev working on Kamui, whilst the rest of us continue to improve WS 3.x.

Think of Kamui as WS 4.x, as it will eventually come to replace Wallerscript, but Wallerscript will still be about (even though it'll be depricated) for those who want a Tcl script only.

Thanks for reading,

Chris Northwood.

Posted by Chris Northwood 2003-09-15

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