
gc.h configure error with w3m 0.42

Ed Moon
  • Ed Moon

    Ed Moon - 2004-01-23

    [root@mooned src]# uname -a
    Linux 2.4.24-RHsmp122 #2 SMP Mon Jan 5 23:07:13 CST 2004 i686 unknown

    I get the following running ./configure:
    checking for unistd.h... yeschecking GC library exists... yes
    checking gc.h usability... no
    checking gc.h presence... no
    checking for gc.h... no
    checking GC header location... /usr /usr/local /root
    checking /usr/include... checking gc.h usability... no
    checking gc.h presence... nochecking for gc.h... no
    checking /usr/include/gc... checking gc.h usability... nochecking gc.h presence... nochecking for gc.h... no
    checking /usr/local/include... checking gc.h usability... no
    checking gc.h presence... nochecking for gc.h... no
    checking /usr/local/include/gc... checking gc.h usability... no
    checking gc.h presence... nochecking for gc.h... no
    checking /root/include... checking gc.h usability... no
    checking gc.h presence... nochecking for gc.h... no
    checking /root/include/gc... checking gc.h usability... no
    checking gc.h presence... nochecking for gc.h... no
    configure: error: gc.h not found

    • frayja

      frayja - 2005-04-22


      I am having this same problem (using a Slackware 10.1 installation). I can't find any file called 'gc.h' on my system...

      Has the origional poster of this thread found a solution to this problem?


    • eLTink

      eLTink - 2005-05-10

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