
VVoIP (Voice and Video over IP) / News: Recent posts


Hey friends, Just finished a common client in python for multiple languages (sorry it isnt under GPL) and now i've started this project with one of my friend in university. He even dont have SF account i hope he'll sign up and will be here soon. Meanwhile we've started planing about this project. More or less we're implementing Skype in OSS. Gizmo Project isnt much cool!! so i guess we need a P2P application which dont require any protocol like SIP etc etc. Chanllanges are quit big but i guess we'll will find the solutions. Project will go to PRE-APLPHA stage very soon ( i guess 5 November' 05). We also need some P2P C/C++ developers who're having wide experience in coding with P2P torrent/File sharing applications. If you really dont understand what i was talking about then visit or
.. bye for now!! will keep on posting about R&D.

Posted by Dumpling Man 2005-10-24