Andrew VTun - 2006-11-28

I have a problem in that my tun connections continually drop off and I get a message in /var/log/messages on my server end which says "vtund[4319]: Session dmail network timeout". I have 8 connections to this one machine and they all seem to give this message and drop off. Not all at the same time though, some only seem to stay alive for 10 minutes, some last for a few hours. They all connect again with no problems.

The full message in the server side messages file is:
Nov 28 09:36:25 serverhost vtund[6705]: Session dmail network timeout
Nov 28 09:36:26 serverhost vtund[6705]: Session dmail closed
This is a RedHat Enterprise 4 system.

The client end has this message in /var/log/messages :
Nov 28 09:36:36 myclient vtund[20861]: Connection reset by peer (104)
Nov 28 09:36:36 myclient vtund[20861]: Session dmail[165.214.xx.yy] closed
Nov 28 09:36:36 myclient vtund[20861]: Exit
These are a mix of RedHat Enterprise 3 and 4.

Any help or pointers as to where to start looking would be very much appreciated. I have the same version of vtun at each end (2.9.90 now), compiled from source.

I have another set of vtun connections on another machine which stay up for days !.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Andrew Pearce.

My client side vtund.conf is:
default {
  type tun;
  proto udp;

lmail {
  encrypt no;
  passwd abcdef;
  type  tun;            # IP tunnel
  proto tcp;
  # compress  lzo:9;    # LZO compression level 9
  keepalive yes;        # Keep connection alive

  up {
    ifconfig "%% pointopoint mtu 1450";
    route "add -net netmask gw";
    # route "add -net netmask tun1";

My server side is:
default {
        type            tun;    # use tun insted of tap
        proto           tcp;    # use udp instead of tcp
        keepalive       yes;

lmail {
  passwd abcdef;
  encrypt no;
  up {
    ifconfig "%% pointopoint mtu 1450";
    route "add -net netmask gw";