
#6 1> EPICS file errors 2> Usage description



I am trying to pretest a unit prior to sending it to the
BTL. I have downloaded and properly set up (I think) all
of the required files, along with setting up the EPICS file
using your template. Two problems that I am
encountering with the Visual Test Shell (v.3.1.5) are:

First Problem:

When parsing the EPICS, I get an error of:

Line 24: Unknown Section Name
Standard Object Types Supported:<

Clicking OK results in:

Line 25: Expected Section Name here

No amount of massaging this that I can think up will
allow this thing to view the "Standard Object Types
Supported" as a valid section name. Even if I run your
example template it rejects "Standard Object Types
Supported:" as a valid section name. This is really
getting frustrating and my employer is getting a bit
perturbed that this project isn't running yet, particularly
since I know that our
interface is running OK (we have run it with Trane's
Tracer Summit and Tridium's Niagara programs and it
runs great.) I have read the Thesis documentation for an
EPICS and have not found anywhere that I am violating
the document.

Second problem:

In the instructions on the BTL website for first time
usage, it talks of first clicking the "view" button and
setting up the Trace window. On my system, when VTS
launches, the "view" button only gives toolbar and status
bar options. Loading the "Who-is" script deletes the view
button. Loading the "vdb" file brings back the "view"
button, but there are certainly no entities that
correspond to setting up the Trace window or anything
like it.

Can you please tell me what's going on?

The interface board that we have created is quite
simple - it shows as 1 device composed as a collection
of Binary Output Objects. Manual testing of the board
seems to work
fine, but I want to run a full battery of scripts against it
before giving it to the BTL. Please help!

Thanks in advance -

Dave Long
Systems Engineer
Lighting Control and Design, Inc.


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