
How to get a list of objects for a device

  • brix

    brix - 2012-08-07

    Hi all!

    I'm quite a newbie with VTS and recently installed VTS for the first time. I wanted to ask a BACnet server to give me all objects of a specific device, but couldn't find a corresponding menu item within the menu "Send" of VTS.
    Probably, there is such a functionality in VTS, but I'm not experienced enough to find it.
    I would highly appreciate any hint regarding this topic.


  • ltribble

    ltribble - 2012-08-07

    BACnet provides for this via a property called 'object-list'.  You would use the ReadProperty service to read the property 'object-list'.  This may be large and many devices do not support segmentation so you might have to read this property by index numbers if reading the entire property does not work.

    So in VTS terms, use the Send menu.  Select 'Object Access'.  Then 'ReadProperty'.  On the 'ReadProperty' tab, enter the device identifier of the device you wish to read from.  Select the 'object-list' property.  (If reading by index, enter the index number you wish to read from the list).  Then make sure the rest of the tabs are setup correctly.  The IP tab will need the IP address of either the IP router or if your device if it is on IP.  Under the BVLC tab, make sure 'Origianl Unicast' is selected.  On the NPCI tab, enter your destination network and address if your device is not located on the IP.  On the 'Confirmed Request' tab, change VTS to indicate it accepts segmented responses.  Now you can select Send.

    Hope this helps,

  • brix

    brix - 2012-08-07

    Hi Lori!

    Thank you very much for this quick and very helpful hint! My device doesn't support segmentation, but using the indexing as proposed by you works perfectly!



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