
#309 Binary modelling: flux vs mag, phase

David Benn

Kevin Alton gave this feedback: "Choice of normalized flux or magnitude on y-axis. Normalized flux data which has been phased is required by BinaryMaker 3 and WDWint to perform Roche modeling of eclipsing binaries based on the Wilson-Devinney code. PHOEBE can use magnitudes but it will also be necessary to save the phased data (phase, Julian day, magnitude (or flux), uncertainty) in csv or txt format in order to import into these W-D modeling applications."

In relation to the last point, it may be worth adding to VStar the capability to save a selectable subset of any data table (in phase or raw mode) to a CSV, TSV, or space delimited file.

In relation to the first point, wouldn't the flux calculation depend upon the data source? For example, Kepler FITS data comes with that but AID data does not and would need to be calculated.


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