
#240 Zoom out does not preserve initial limits

David Benn

Re-examine the behaviour of zooming out (Auto Range -> Both Axes). It seems to act as if non-visible data points are included in the range determination. Surely, I can override this, and should be in AbstractObservationPlotPane.


  • Sara Beck

    Sara Beck - 2011-01-05
    • status: open --> closed
  • Sara Beck

    Sara Beck - 2011-01-05

    I feel like this his has been rendered obsolete by the new zoom in and out buttons.

  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2011-01-06

    Hi Sara. Unfortunately, I don't think we can close this one yet, because using the chart's contextual menu to use Auto Range etc is a legitimate thing to do and some people have already used it. So I think we're stuck with this one.

  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2011-01-06
    • status: closed --> open
  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2011-01-06
    • priority: 7 --> 5
  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2011-01-06

    Reducing priority though. There are other things that need to be done first.

  • Sara Beck

    Sara Beck - 2011-01-07

    This may not even be possible (because its really a JFreeChart thing), and I don't feel it is important, but here is a comment about the same feature from Aaron that was formerly known as Tracker# 2979762:

    "In the Zoom Out right-click menu, rename and reorganizae the "Domain", "Range" and "Auto Range" items to be:

    Domain - > Time (Incremental)
    -> Time (Complete)
    Range -> Magnitude (Incremental)
    -> Magnitude (Complete)
    Both -> Incremental
    -> Complete

    The (Complete) options replicate what the "Auto Range" currently does (zoom all the way out). So basically you can zoom out via time, magnitude or both. And you can zoom out incrementally or completely. I did not find the phrase "auto range" as being user-friendly and most new users won't know what a domain is.

    As with all user interface stuff, this is just my opinion and is subjective. So feel free to ignore.

  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2012-06-10
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate

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