
#165 discrepant option for means

Aaron Price

Can you add an option for discrepant data to the "Means Source" box in the "Change Series" function? Sometimes it is good to get means of discrepant data. For example, I wanted to see what discrepant data would do to the error boxes on a mean curve I plotted of alpha Ori.


  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2010-04-25
    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2010-04-25

    Implementation note. Apart from an additional radio button, pass a boolean to stat calc method to say whether to ignore discrepants, or derive this from band, if passed.

  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2012-06-18
    • priority: 9 --> 8
  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2013-04-30
    • Group: --> Enhancement
  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2013-05-02

    The radio button exists now so I assume the only thing left to do is pass a boolean to stat calc to say: don't ignore discrepants!

  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2013-05-02

    The fact that someone can try this via plot control dialog but not have it work, now makes this a defect.

  • David Benn

    David Benn - 2013-05-02
    • Group: Enhancement --> Defect
    • Priority: 8 --> 9

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