
VST Preset Generator / News: Recent posts

VST Preset Generator has moved to

The VST Preset Generator has moved to a new home.

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Posted by moleculeXT 2016-05-11

VPG Release 0.2.5

New release of the VST Preset Generator after almost 3 years!

Hence I'm proud to present you this new version.

The main feature is the 64 bit support for windows. You can finally generate random preset for your 64bits VST plugins.
I've also added Linux support, but I can't release an official build yet.

Official change log:
* v0.2.5 - 29 March 2016
- Release for Windows 64 bits and 32 bits
- UI: move VstList Toolbar to the VstList panel
- Update English and French translations.
Also replace all vst/Vst by VST
- Fix bug when compiling for 64bits machine
(thanks to Anthony Leotta).
- Linux support, but no official release yet
- Use Qt5 static, no third party dependencies
- Add automatic tests with a mock VST plugin... read more

Posted by moleculeXT 2016-03-29

VPG Release 0.2.4

This is a minor release to fix some internal memory leaks.

Posted by moleculeXT 2013-02-11

VPG Release 0.2.3

Lots of new stuffs in this release. First, a language management system is ready, and french translation is already done.
Then lots of bugs have been fixed, see the change-log:

* v0.2.3 - 02 October 2007
- Can change the application's language at
the beginning (currently only English and
- changed the max of program in a bank
(100 to 1000)
- generation button in the tool bar
- the colums of the parameters table are
automatic resized.
- button to assign the same random method to
all parameters
- button to assign random method and random
values to all parameters (just for fun!)
- use of the progress bar when generating a
patch file
- on close, don't ask to save the vst list if
it's empty
- No crazy progress bar behavior when you
load a vpg file
- Use a ini file to store the path of
differents files (vst folder, vpg folder
and fxb/fxp folder)
- Can import VST parameters from a drag&drop
of a dll or a patch file (spacedad idea)
- change value in the parameter table in only
one click
(just to save life of your mouse ;) )... read more

Posted by moleculeXT 2007-10-02

VPG Release 0.2.2

2 month after the last release, here is the next version !
The main changes concern the graphic design, in order to remove the freeze while loading big VST.

Change Log:
* v0.2.2 - 25 September 2007
- graphic design changed
- size of the executable optimized
- Don't load a default file when start
- The graphic images and icones are added as
Some of these come from the "Crystal Clear
icon set" by Everaldo Coelho, under GNU
Lesser General Public License
- The list of parameters don't freeze when
you load a big Vst, thanks to a table
- The file type section is now in a popup
box, that is shown when the generate button
is clicked.
- Only one command to import information
from vst file or preset file, the software
can detect the file type.

Posted by moleculeXT 2007-09-26

VPG Release 0.2.1

One week more, and a new release. Now, you can load all the VST Plugins !

The change log:

* v0.2.1 - 25 June 2007
- Can load !!!ALL!!! VST plugins, thanks to
the Qt's class QLibrary
- Remember only the last file directory,
without the filename.
- Change the name of the programs from
"Vst Preset Generator #" to "VPG #"
it's more readable in the audio host
- When you load the plug-in, the name of
each parameter is read
- Add menu "Import"

Posted by moleculeXT 2007-06-25

VPG Release 0.2.0

Here is finally a new version (0.2.0) which can load directly plug-in when fxp/fxb loading failed !

Normally more plugins are supported (but regrettably not all...).

The change-log:
- Function to Load Vst plug-in and avoid
"Opaque Chunk Method" in Preset File
- Reduce graphic space between parameters
in order to use less space
(thanks Chimimic)
- Remember the last file directory for
opening presets and Vst
(SpaceDad feature)
- Add a progressBar, for waiting while
parameter widgets creation
- No error message when you press "cancel"
button from any Open/Save Dialog Box

Posted by moleculeXT 2007-06-15

VPG Release 0.1.1

New Release of the VST Preset Generator:

* v0.1.1 - 04 June 2007
- Can create a blank vst list
- Change graphic design, to improve space
- Real mainwindows (no quit with esc key)
- "About" menu with Copyright
- "Vst List" menu
- Some English mistakes corrected
- Extern library to generate random numbers
(Random Number Generator by Weili Chen and
Zixuan Ma, OpenSource project)
- Normal distribution option, in order to
oscillate parameters around a value

Posted by moleculeXT 2007-06-04

VPG first official release 0.1.0

Here is the official first release of the VPG, the VST Preset Generator.

It a simple tool in order to create randomly generated preset file (fxp or fxb).
The program needs an original preset file from your Vst, and reads some informations from it. Then you can choice a random range for each parameters of your synth (or effect) and the program generates new preset file (fxp or fxb). You just have to load this new file in your VST to try new sounds!
This first version doesn't work with VST using "opaque chunk method" in preset file because we can not know which data change which parameter... But in the future it will be solve !... read more

Posted by moleculeXT 2007-05-30