
Vroom / News: Recent posts

Vroom: 2.3.0 Released

A J2EE Web Dev Framework, Struts style MVC, Event Driven like JSF and Ajax-enabled Client Scripting like YUI, Fine grained event binding, access to server variables in JavaScript & Webpages, Easy integration with Struts, No custom tags & No complex API.

In this release, some bugs have been fixed as well as a init-param is added to web.xml for VroomFilter named "include-first". This value of this parameter can be comma separated list of javascript files starting without the application context path. These files are embedded in webpages before vroom.js and prototype.js. This enables some frameworks such as Nitobi to work properly with Vroom Web Framework enabled web application.

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2009-02-24

Vroom Plugin 2.0.1 for NetBeans IDE 6.5 Released

This plugin registers Vroom Web Framework 2.3.0 and Vroom Request Dispatcher 1.0.1 under Frameworks list for Web Applications. Adds all required libraries to NetBeans IDE 6.5 and creates new item category named "Vroom" which contains templates to create servlets using Jython, JRuby, Groovy or JavaScript. For details watch video tutorials at

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2009-02-24

Vroom Request Dispatcher 1.0.1 Released

Vroom Request Dispatcher is a small Java API for web applications which enables you to define URL mapping to either forward or redirect to any valid URL, or invoke Java Methods. With VRD, you can expose any public java method as service which may generate any kind of contents e.g. JSON or XML. These java methods are invoked using user defined URL patterns and these java methods become services which do not require any entry in web.xml. With VRD, you can also write servlets using Jython, JRuby, Groovy or JavaScript, which means you can enjoy all the good features and API of these scripting languages in your Java Web Applications. For details visit

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2009-02-24

Vroom Plugin 1.0.1 for NetBeans 6.1 has been released

The new plugin uses Vroom-2.1.5 library. Few bugs related to code completion have been fixed. A limited support for Woodstock components have been added.

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-08-26

Vroom-2.1.5 has been released with additional features

With this version you can easily manage Visual JSF application (using Woodstock theme). The new method VroomUtils.generateUrl(method, beanClass, var, scope) breaks the barrier and open more ways to integrate YUI, Dojo, GWT and jMaki. You don't need to define servlets for Ajax services, a simple public java method of a public Java Bean can easily provide service to Ajax calls. To know more about the framework visit

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-08-26

Vroom Plugin 1.0 for NetBeans 6.1 Released!

Vroom Plugin 1.0 for NetBeans 6.1 provides developers to create web applications using Vroom Framework easily. It provides comprehensive code completion to maintain error free vroom-config.xml file. The plugin also introspects the java code for methods, javascripts for functions, stylesheets for css classes and html/jsp files for ids and names of the elements.

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-08-18

Upcoming NetBeans plugin for Vroom Framework

I am building netbeans plugin for my framework. Check the blog below:

If you'd like to add some feature, let me know by posting a comment on the blog.

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-08-07

Vroom-2.1.4 released (important bug fixed)

Vroom 2.1.4 is just released. A bug related to script and stylesheet tag is fixed. Now you can use #{contextPath} variable in url attribute of script and stylesheet elements.

A comprehensive introductory document (PDF) has been uploaded. One must read it to have clear understanding about the framework.

A separate blog has been created at
An article related to Vroom Framework has been published on at read more

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-07-30

Vroom 2.1.3 released with new enhancements

1 - Access to bean properties in vroom-config.xml
Users can access now any java bean using the following definition in the config file:

<event type="onload" method="getProperties" bean-class="com.myco.bean.TestBean" var="tb" scope="session">
<call type="update" tag="body" attribute="innerHTML">
value1 = #{value1}
value2 = #{value2}
</event>... read more

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-07-24

Vroom-2.1.1 has been released

All reported bugs and requested features till 07/06/2008 have been fixed and added.

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-07-06

Vroom 2.1.0 is just release with new features

Improvements have been made to the framework to provide all in one solution. Now you can also bind file input tag with server side property. Vroom will automatically populate forms with following tag:

<webpage uri="/submit-song.jsp">
<form id="songSubmitForm" method="submitSong" bean-class="com.myco.bean.SongManagerBean" var="smb" scope="request">
<navigation outcome="success" url="/songs-list.jsp"/>
<navigation outcome="default" url="/submit-song.jsp"/>
<element id="txtTitle" property="title"/>
<element id="txtDesc" property="description"/>
<element id="filSong" property="songFile"/>
<element id="txtReleaseDate" property="reldate" format="MM/dd/yyyy"/>
</webpage>... read more

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-06-27

Vroom 2 (Ajax enabled J2E Web Dev. Framework) Released!

The previous version of Vroom was a simple JSP/HTML and Java Code binding framework. Vroom 2 has been re-written from scratch. It's a complete Web Development Framework which does not introduce Custom Tags or complex MVC mechanism. It's simple and straight forward, keep your webpages untouched, write your business logic and wire them using Vroom 2.

Vroom 2 provides you flexibility to change the application look and feel at anytime provided the component ids remain the same.... read more

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-06-24

Vroom 1.0.2 Beta Released

Better than before, in this version the bugs related to IE6 has been fixed. The element level events have been expanded to include onLoad and onUnload events which are useful for iframes. You can invoke events of other HTML widgets as part of response update.

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-03-02

Vroom 1.0.1 released

Vroom 1.0.1 includes some bugs fixed and new features added. You could never so easily manage ads on your websites. A simple example is whatever index page you have, based on conditions you can redirect to any url without even touching your index page. Using Vroom is more than fun now!

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-02-27

Vroom 1.0.0 Released

Vroom is extremely simple to use webpage binding framework which provides Ajax functionality out of the box. It works fine with Struts and JSF 1.2 RI easily. Most of the bugs in vroom-0.1-beta has been fixed in this release and some new features have been added.

Posted by Farrukh Ijaz 2008-02-25