
VR Juggler 2.0.4 released

VR Juggler 2.0.4 has been released. This release has several bug fixes made since the 2.0.3 release. The most critical of these is that VRPN device now work in a cluster configuration again and vrj::OsgApp is now stable in multi-pipe/multi-threaded VR Juggler configurations. All users of Open Scene Graph and VR Juggler 2.0 are strongly encouraged to update to this release and recompile their applications. This can be accomplished by copying the 2.0.4 vrj/Draw/OSG/OsgApp.h file in to an older VR Juggler 2.0 release, but the best results will be achieved by updating the entire Juggler platform to 2.0.4.

This is a source-only release intended to make these bug fixes available in an easier form than checking the code out from the Subversion repository. Infiscape will not be packaging binaries of this release, but if people prepare binaries that they would like posted for download, we will provide the hosting for those binaries. Contact the project administrators directly if you are interested in posting binaries.

This release marks the closing of the VR Juggler 2.0 branch. From here on, bug fixes and enhancements will not be merged to the 2.0 branch. If there are people interested in maintaining VR Juggler 2.0, please the project administrators directly, and we can discuss options for how best to do that. VR Juggler 2.0 has definitely been a good platform for VR application development, but VR Juggler 2.2 will be even better (much, much better, in my opinion). We want to encourage everyone to migrate to VR Juggler 2.2, but this release can be used in the meantime to get the most stable version of VR Juggler 2.0 yet.

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2007-08-14

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