
VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 1 update

In my haste to get the VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 1 builds done and uploaded to SourceForge, I forgot to include two of the newest pieces: a compiled VRPN driver (VRPN_drv.{so,dll}) and the vjAvatar library. Also, the day after the release, it was discovered that there were two compile-time errors in vrj/Draw/OSG/OsgApp.h.

To correct all of this, I have just finished rebuilding and re-uploading the source and binary distribution files for 2.0 Alpha 1. Anyone who has already downloaded either the source or a pre-compiled version of VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 1 is encouraged to do the download again. Note, however, that vjAvatar is not supported on Windows at the moment, so the only differences in the Windows ZIP file are the VRPN driver and the fixed OsgApp.h header file.

vjAvatar is an open source C++ library that can be used in VR Juggler applications to add avatars to virtual worlds. It is developed by Justin Hare and is written on top of VR Juggler and Cal3D (

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2003-03-19

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