
0.30.0 Released

Looks like I'm hitting my stride with a two-month release cycle. 0.30.0 is released and ready for use. There were only a few changes since my last update which were included in this release:

  • Added support for :retab operation
  • Added support for partial command-line names
    • e.g., :tabprev, :tabpre, :tabpr, etc. all work now
  • Reimplemented paragraph text objects to match Vim's behavior

The partial command-line names work pretty well as long as there isn't a name collision. For example, ':tabne' could be ':tabnew' or ':tabnext'. Vim has some way to define precedence but Vrapper will just fail when this happens. I think the current solution should work in most cases but there will be a couple places where you may still need to be explicit with the name. Either way, this is an improvement over the previous implementation which required me to explicitly define every partial name supported. Now I only need to explicitly define the collisions like ':tabn' going to ':tabnext'.

Also, as I mentioned in my previous post, there was a lot of code submitted by contributors this release. I'm glad people are willing to help me out and constantly improve Vrapper. Thank you for helping to keep this project alive!

Posted by Kevin 2013-03-29

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