
Ctrl-V (paste) into '/' search

Paul Carew
  • Paul Carew

    Paul Carew - 2014-11-24

    I recently had to re-create my eclipse environment. I have Juno + VWrapper.
    Now, when I want to search for an item using '/', I can't Ctrl-v paste my search term. Instead whatever was in the cut and paste buffer, gets inserted into the file at whatever spot the curser was last!

    Is there a setting to allow my to direct the paste into the '/' search line? I'm sure that this used to work correctly.


  • albertdev

    albertdev - 2014-11-24

    It depends...

    You can right click the command line and select "Paste", you can press "Ctrl-R" and then press "+" or you could unbind "Paste" in the Eclipse "Keys" preferences and let Vrapper do the pasting.

    Most likely it's the latter, Eclipse bindings always have priority over the Vrapper shortcuts, no matter if you have a remap in your .vrapperrc.

  • Kevin

    Kevin - 2014-11-25

    Like albertdev said, all Eclipse bindings have priority over Vrapper's so Eclipse always steals Ctrl+V without telling us. If you unbind Ctrl+V from Eclipse then Vrapper will handle it and know when you're in a command-line mode but that also means Ctrl+V won't work anywhere else in Eclipse.

    Personally, what I do is unbind Shift+Insert from Eclipse. Both Shift+Insert and Ctrl+V are bound to "Paste" in Eclipse (and Vrapper, if unbound in Eclipse). I never use Shift+Insert in my day-to-day work but I use Ctrl+V obsessively. Since I rarely need to paste into a command-line mode in Vrapper I'm ok with using Shift+Insert for those occasions and continue using Eclipse's Ctrl+V paste for everything else. I'm afraid that's the best solution we have so far.


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