
Toggling Eclipse toolbar results in multiple Vrapper icons

  • Collin Peters

    Collin Peters - 2014-09-16

    I currently have about 15 Vrapper icons on my toolbar. I believe it is
    caused by toggling the Eclipse toolbar on and off. I usually turn the
    toolbar off, but every once in awhile I turn it on for something. Any ideas?

  • Kevin

    Kevin - 2014-09-27

    I'm sorry, but I don't know what would cause that. I just tried hiding/showing my toolbar a couple times but I didn't see any issue. You could try uninstalling/reinstalling Vrapper to clear out those icons but I don't know if that would actually prevent it from happening again in the future.

    If you look at your Error Log do you see any stack traces with net.sourceforge.vrapper in them? Go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Configuration -> View Error Log. The most recent errors are at the bottom.


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