
vrapped is marked as: "vrapper disabled" since today?

  • Gustav Klopp

    Gustav Klopp - 2016-01-14

    I've launched Eclipse as usual but I've discovered that the eclipse vrapper is marked as "disabled" : at the bottom of the Eclipse window, in the middle, next to "writable", I've got: "vrapper disabled".
    And indeed, the plugin is not working...

    I've checked into "preferences">"General">"Startup and Shutdown" and vrapper is well checked.
    If I check into the configuration file in
    "<my workspace="" location="">/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/net.sourceforge.vrapper.eclipse.prefs
    I can see that I've got:

    (I can edit that but it's changed to "false" each restart...)

    What has made vrapper to be disabled?


    Last edit: Gustav Klopp 2016-01-14
  • Kevin

    Kevin - 2016-01-14

    If you enable Vrapper after starting Eclipse, does Vrapper work? Typically if we see some issue where Vrapper refuses to start we'll see a stacktrace in the log but if Vrapper starts disabled yet works fine after it's enabled, I'm not sure what that is.


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