

plcc (8)
Tim Schäfer

PLCC (Protein Ligand Contact Computation)

The PLCC tool is the core component of the VPLG software package. It is a command line application written in Java that computes and visualizes protein-ligand graphs.

The documentation is included in the doc/ directory of your VPLG release.

You can also use the following command to access the built-in help:

java -jar plcc.jar --help

Here is the online PLCC documentation:

New to the command line?

If you have never used the command line before, don't worry. We have a step-by-step guide that will get you up and running: [PLCC_from_shell]

If you just do not like the command line, you can access pre-computed VPLG output on our webserver. The PTGL serves the VPLG results for the whole RCSB PDB, and is available at


Wiki: Documentation
Wiki: Home
Wiki: PLCC_Commandline
Wiki: PLCC_Graphtypes
Wiki: PLCC_Images
Wiki: PLCC_Readme
Wiki: PLCC_Settings
Wiki: PLCC_from_shell
Wiki: Tools