
functionality in winplan not in vpa

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I was upset to discover that winplan allows you to space items in your cargo (like fighters or torps) that vpa does not allow you to do.  Why is that?

    I was ready to say that someone was cheating when they did this to me (I was privateer) only to find it was possible via winplan.

    • Stefan Reuther

      Stefan Reuther - 2004-07-15

      Strictly speaking, Winplan violates the file format specs in doing that. For example, jettison-the-Winplan-way would have triggered a Yellow alert in PHost (except for very current versions) if it would have been done by VPA (or Winplan-shareware, for that matter).

      VPA's cargo transfer ist pretty convoluted; I already tried to implement that functionality but did not succeed. I have vague plans to port the PCC cargo transfer routines (which also can do jettison-the-Winplan-way), but I would not bet on it.



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