
Does VPA work on Windows Vista?

  • promano

    promano - 2007-12-23

    Have anybody tried to run VPA on Windows Vista?, does it work?

    • Stefan Reuther

      Stefan Reuther - 2007-12-23

      I'm sure somebody tried, but so far nobody reported any success or failure (that I know of). All that I know is that it will definitely not run on a 64-bit OS, regardless whether that's XP or Vista, because 64-bit OSes don't grok anything under 32 bit (not even Winplan).


    • promano

      promano - 2007-12-30

      I respond myself: it doesn't work, since Vista does not run DOS based programs in full screen mode.

      I will try to run it with DOSBox.

    • promano

      promano - 2007-12-30

      Ok, it works correctly with DOSBox :)


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