
Development Environment

  • IH870

    IH870 - 2002-04-29

    Might I ask if it's possible to create a full environment to compile VPA from scratch? In other words are all VPA sources, library and compilers freely available and of course what exactly could I need? At least some rough indications... asa I'll get it working I could post a detailed to-do list!
    Thanks in advance
    Paolo (Italy)
    [smart in programming, dumb w/ PCs]

    • Stefan Reuther

      Stefan Reuther - 2002-05-02

      VPA generally is compiled with Borland Pascal 7.0. With that, all it takes to recompile is to chdir into vpa/vpa, edit the makefile and type "make".

      I have not tried to use TP 6.0, neither did I try other compilers -- but VPA contains inline assembly, so gpc will probably not work. Of course, porting that would probably useful, too.

      You can try downloading Turbo Pascal 7.0 *in French* from the Borland site:

      Or, buy a second-hand copy of BP7 somewhere.
      Sometimes, BP7 comes bundled with books.

      In addition, you *might* need an assembler; such a beast comes bundled with BP7. OTOH, it should be trivial to eliminate the assembly thing, it's just an easter-egg anyway :-)

    • IH870

      IH870 - 2002-05-06

      Thanks for the info Stefan, neither france (nor English btw) are my best laguages, so I'll give a look to which seems to be a nice product...

      I'm not a wizard with CVS, do I have to download all the three branches of the tree: cvsroot, vpa, vpafix?

      Thanks again

      • Stefan Reuther

        Stefan Reuther - 2002-05-07

        French Turbo Pascal: my French is not better than yours, but Google does a decent job translating the questionnaire. Too bad they want a phone number. I do not have a telephone :-)

        You need only the "vpafix" branch. cvsroot is administrative stuff, and "vpa" is abandoned.

        I thought there was a feature "nightly CVS tarball" at Source Forge. Well, here's a pre-packaged one: (complete VPA source, from five minutes ago).

    • IH870

      IH870 - 2002-05-08

      Many many thanks Stefan; I'll centainly use your .tgz also if sourceforge (with wincvs) is returning me:
      cvs -q login
      (Logging in to
      Fatal error, aborting.
      pserver:anonymous: no such user
      cvs login: authorization failed: server rejected access to /cvsroot/vpa for user pserver:anonymous
      *****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

      Ciao Paolo

      • Stefan Reuther

        Stefan Reuther - 2002-05-08

        The value of cvsroot must be "" (note leading colon).

        BTW, current .tgz file is vpa-08052002.tgz.


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