
We're down and out.

  • Cody Harris

    Cody Harris - 2004-01-22

    Vectec.Net has been offline for over 48 hours, and we just came back. Our ISP has shut us down, using too much traffic, and unknown to us, it was contraband to run a server on their residential service.

    What does this mean to you? YOur site no longer exists on Vectec.Net, but we stil have all our files. Will we ever come back? Most likly not.

    Our isp (Aliant) is holding in investigation, but it will turn up false, although we don't know what they are looking for.

    If you have any questions, post them here ONLY. We do not currently have e-mail.

    • Tom Whitbread

      Tom Whitbread - 2004-01-23

      This is fucking shit! I can't beleive they'd shut u down for such a fucking dumb ass reason... how much do you need to get back online?? Maybe we could donate or something?


      good luck man

    • Cody Harris

      Cody Harris - 2004-01-24

      I need $150 a month. Lol. Well, they told me what they're investugating: somebody had a scam hosted off my site...a fake eBay form where you put in information like cc number and paypal username and pass....

      This isn't good...could get fined.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-01-24

      eBay??? I thought it was something else? Jesus Christ Cody. Man, ALiant should have their balls cut off. As well as all the other ISPs that don't allow sites being hosted on their service. Bullshit, man, Bullshit.

    • Cody Harris

      Cody Harris - 2004-01-24

      I don't want to say too much (as this is a public medium), but it isn't good....

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-01-24

      It's a pity that the host shut down, especially when it was great. Anyways, I plan to setup a server in a few months and I've checked that I can setup a server on that connection and I plan to offer free cobranded webhosting services as well.
      But who ever setup that fake ebay form up is an .......

    • Cody Harris

      Cody Harris - 2004-01-24

      That's good. Lol. We need a host, and it's funny because we can't seem to get one.

      Anyways, if i gave you the PayPal link, would anybody dontate to it?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-01-25

      Ugh. This is crap. It sucks. People really know how to be idiots on the net and mess up a good service. Sorry this happened to you Cody. I know how hard you worked on Vectec. Now it's gone. ;_; I hope you bring it back somehow!

    • Xanni Wellando

      Xanni Wellando - 2004-01-25

      THAT SUCKS! I liked u hosting so much when I was hosted here , I will try to donate if u make that paypall link , and i think that ur ISP should also stop acting so idiotic , please resume ur host Cody!


    • Cody Harris

      Cody Harris - 2004-01-25

      If we get enough money we will be able to colocate our server, but it wouldn't be as good. We'd also have to start charging.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-01-26

      Hey cody, is there any way to get the files off the server?  Please e-mail me how to get them, and please e-mail me if you need any reason as to why I need them.

      E-Mail: jenzer123 at yahoo dot com

      Many thanks!


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