I'm starting to test VOLE; i would to convert an old vb6.0 program, with C++ and QT and VOLE library to create Excel report.

This old program, it get data from a database, and put it into several excel sheet and create an excel graph of all the data. Every sheet had two columns Date and Value, and Date column was formatted with "dd/mm/yyyy hh.mm.ss" format.

Now, exist any wrapper or version of VOLE, QT compliant, which can use QTModel as source of data?

I've already created a sample program which generate a graph, but i've got some problem in changing cell's format; in particular, i can't translate the VB6 or VBA instruction:
xlShee1.Cells(i,j).NumberFormat="dd/mm/yy hh.mm.ss"
in a VOLE corrisponding, to formatting the first column in excel sheet as date, and put into the cells of this column, a data given by database by mean of QtModel.

Any ideas????

Thanks a lot
