
UltraVNC Released--require msi

Anil Kumar
  • Anil Kumar

    Anil Kumar - 2010-11-30

    UltraVNC Released-require  VNCed UltraVNC MSI Creator for latest version of Ultravnc

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-04

    I too would like VNCed to add the new version of UltraVNC ( to the MSI creator. The old version works great for WinXP and below. The new verison of UVNC enables the ctr+alt+del command from the Windows login screen in Win7 and Server 2008.   

    Please update VNCed to work with Windows 7!

  • MikeHarding

    MikeHarding - 2011-01-07

    I will try and get an update out in the next couple of days. I haven't got Win7 or Server 2008 so will require feedback.

  • MikeHarding

    MikeHarding - 2011-01-07

    Version 1.1.9 is now available which includes UltraVNC There are separate bat files for and

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-18

    Great project, Mike.

    I have inherited a domain where a previous version of UltraVNC was installed via the .exe file at each client. I have found that when trying to deploy one of your MSIs that I create, it seems to install along side the existing version, rather than upgrading the current one. This causes obvious conflicts between the new and old versions, where neither will work.

    Is there a way to include a "this is an upgrade" option when creating the MSI files?


  • MikeHarding

    MikeHarding - 2011-01-18

    As the original wasn't installed via an MSI the upgrade option won't work.

    You could do a batch file before installing the MSI that nukes the existing copy.

    Which directory is the old version installed in? as I would have expected the MSI to overwrite existing files in the same directory.

  • Matt Bilbrey

    Matt Bilbrey - 2011-03-02

    After manually uninstalling the old ultravnc and running the MSI generated using "UltraVNC - STEP2.build_ultravnc_msi.bat" the version of VNC listed in the properties tab is This is the same as before installing with the new MSI. Checking "about" in the icon from the system tray reports version 1.0.2 build Jun 18 2006. Whats up with all that?

  • MikeHarding

    MikeHarding - 2011-03-03

    something must have gone wrong with the uninstall of the old version, the 'about' of the new version displays

    If you go to c:\program files\ultranvc\winvnc.exe ; what is the version of the exe file? it should be

  • Anil Kumar

    Anil Kumar - 2011-05-06

    how to make only 1 instance of winvnc to run @ startup ( when user logins 2 winvnc are running )..i don't want for user startup, it should be automatic in service with local service…irrespective of logins only 1 instance should run.

  • MikeHarding

    MikeHarding - 2011-05-07

    Which version of the MSI Creator are you running?

  • MikeHarding

    MikeHarding - 2011-05-07

    I have just double checked. You end up with 2 winvnc.exe processes running in task manager, this is the case even when using the official UltraVNC installer.

  • Anil Kumar

    Anil Kumar - 2011-05-10

    yes there are 2 winvnc running ( 1 has user & another as System ). Can't it be stopped from running. I want it to run as local service.  ( automatic & system service )

  • Anil Kumar

    Anil Kumar - 2011-05-10

    seems like in 1.095 both are running as System Service. ( vnc viewer was not able to connect to destination IP if both instance is running as System Service )

    in 1.09.6, one instance is user & another is System. I will do more testing on other machines & I will update whether im ok with it or not. ( now vnc viewer is able to connect to destination machine IP when 1 instance is user mode & System Service Mode )

  • MikeHarding

    MikeHarding - 2011-05-10

    You may be better off asking for help in the UltraVNC forums as they will know more about the inner workings of the service.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-05

    Does the latest version of VNCed work with ?


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