
VNCProxy / News: Recent posts

New War Release

A new VNCProxyHub_GPL.war file has been released.
It includes the minor BugFix001 released during summer 2010.

Posted by Remi Serrano 2010-08-31

File Release

Hello All,

The VNCProxyHub_GPL.war file has been released today.
All you need is in it. (applet, java files, class files, other resources ...).
For the applet, the sources, like the whiskey, are in the jar. ;-)


The Admin

Posted by Remi Serrano 2009-12-24

Source Coming Soon...

To answer your numerous requests, a first GPL version of the source code will be issued as soon as possible. It still needs to go through javadoc + checkstyle + new testing.


The Admin

Posted by Remi Serrano 2009-11-02