
vMAGIC examples

  • h4lf

    h4lf - 2011-02-07

    I've seen references to working vMAGIC examples/samples however I can't seem to find anywhere to obtain them? The wiki has a link to a git repo which seems to be dead. Is there anywhere I can obtain them as I'm sure it will help accelerate the learning curve to get started with vMAGIC. Please advise?

  • Ralf Fuest

    Ralf Fuest - 2011-02-10

    The information in the wiki is outdated. The directory structure and build system changed recently. The examples repository wasn't available at the time of you comment, but is available again now (URL: git:// ). You'll have to install vMAGIC and vMAGIC Parser to your local maven repository before you can try the examples.


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