
VisualX for Visual Basic / News: Recent posts

VisualX Dead

VisualX is a wrapper for DirectX written in Visual Basic 6.

It has been a long time since the last release of VisualX. Unfortunately, as time goes on, people and interests change. This is the case here.

I've decided to shut down the VisualX project, and put it up for grabs. If anyone is interested in resuming this project, you can contact me at I will transfer administrative powers to you, and remove myself from the project, since I no longer have any interest in it.

Posted by Mike C 2005-02-10

Version 2.0.8

VisualX is a set of classes for Visual Basic that allows easy access to the DirectX API.

Ok, I'm sorry for the delay in releasing the new version, but I ran into some problems (damn palettes...). I managed to fix them, and so here we are.

Version 2.0.8 doesn't add much in terms of features, but it makes the code a bit more stable. The biggest new feature, though, is the palette support. Although it's still in the beta stages, it holds a lot of promise.... read more

Posted by Mike C 2004-02-21

Finally, a demo

I finally got around to making a demo program for VisualX. It's under development, but quite usable right now. You can find it on the website (

I will also be making a new release soon with some bug fixes.

Posted by Mike C 2004-01-27

VisualX Returns

VisualX is a set of ActiveX classes that enables easy use of DirectX 7/8 in Visual Basic and other ActiveX enabled platforms.

Heh, it's been a long 2 1/2 months, hasn't it? I believe that I mentioned in November that I was learning VB.Net, and that I was going to port the code to VB.Net. Well, that's off for now.

The last couple of months have been busy as heck, but not wasted. I don't bring you a new release, but something more important: Documentation!... read more

Posted by Mike C 2004-01-19

An Even Better Thing

I'm not dead.

I bet that at least 3 people out there were wondering what I've been doing for the past month or so. Well, here's the answer: I've been learning C# and

"Eh?" I hear you say. Visual Basic.Net and C# are the two big languages in the .net platform. Bottom Line? Version 3 of VisualX will be written in Visual, using DirectX 9 behind it.

"Oh no! I still use Visual Basic 6!!! Will I still be able to use VX?" Short answer: I don't know, but probably not.... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-11-16

It's a Good Thing

VisualX is a set of classes for Visual Basic that allows easy access to the DirectX API.

I have looked over the last couple of months during which this project has grown, and I realised one thing that this whole thing is missing: Documentation. I have decided to suspend normal development, and focus on getting this darned thing documented. I have come to the conclusion that this would be a Good Thing. :)... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-10-17

Version 2.0.7a

VisualX is a set of classes for Visual Basic that allows easy access to the DirectX API.

Yay! Another update for all of you who were slightly annoyed with the last update. The previous issue with the file release system has been resolved, and as such, I can release the source code again!

Anyway, back to the update. :) This update has several things fixed. They aren't *huge* changes, but I managed to fix some bugs and add a feature or two that were recomended by mrlung, our tester. He helped lop off a large chunk of slow, redundant, buggy code. Let's all give a round of applause for mrlung! *clap*clap*clap*clap*... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-10-14

New member

VisualX is a set of classes for Visual Basic that allows easy access to the DirectX API.

I'd like to introduce mrlung, our new tester! He will be going over my code with a fine tooth comb to try and find bugs and mistakes that I may have made (ha, like that would happen! :)

Posted by Mike C 2003-10-08

Source code problems

Unfortunatly, I was delayed in releasing the source code for this release. I mentioned it the other day. The aforementioned problems are still occurring, and until I hear from the sourceforge tech support guys, I am going to release new files on our web page.

Posted by Mike C 2003-10-07

Version 2.0.7

VisualX is a set of classes for Visual Basic that allows easy access to the DirectX API.

I have decided two things for this release:
1. I will forgo adding Video (via DirectShow) support. Well, actually, Video support is there, but it is not what I had hoped for. As well...
2. ...until further notice Video support is no longer a top priority.

"But why? I need to play AVIs in my program!!!", I can hear you cry. It it not my decision. DirectShow is implemented differently in Visual Basic from the rest of the API. The Quartz.dll (DirectShow) is horrifically under powered, and any video played will show up in a new window.... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-10-04

New update soon

Some good news and some bad news. First the good:

VisualX 2.1.0 is getting closer. There are some things I need to tweak, though, before it happens. In the next release (2.0.7) I am adding VisualShow, to provide support for DirectShow. This means that we will have support for MP3s! (And others, but, who's counting? :)

The way DirectShow works is different than the other parts of DirectX, and this will show in my implementation. Instead of having a subclass for VisualShow to represent a loaded file, you will have to go directly through VisualShow.... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-09-27

Welcome to a new member

I would like to extend a hand of welcome to Dboos, who will be managing documentation. If anybody has any questions or concerns about the documentation, she is the one to ask.

She can be reached at dboos at

Posted by Mike C 2003-09-21

3 Good Things!

I've got three important things to tell everyone:

1. Version 2.0.6 is out. The biggest change is the addition of VisualInput! Oh, and it's child class Device. You can now use input devices in your programs.

As it should, it supports the mouse, keyboard and joystick. The keyboard and mouse work great, but I haven't been able to test the joystick, because my joystick broke recently. >:$

Also, I added a new primitive to the Surface class, DrawRoundedRect. Now you can draw those pesky rounded rectangles!... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-09-13

Version 2.0.5

Good news! Version 2.0.5 is here!

2.0.5 adds a bunch of new features, most of which are in the new Class, VisualDraw and it's child, Surface.

VisualDraw currently supports the creation of new surfaces, including a Front buffer surface which displays on the screen automatically and a Back buffer which can be flipped to draw it to the Front buffer. Any surface can load pictures and be "Blitted" (Bit Block transfered (copied)) to any other Surface object. Several Primitives are supported, and more will be added in the next update. The one we have are:... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-09-03

Release of Version 2

Experience the Future, Today!

Or, at least a small fraction of a small fraction of it. :)

Version 2.x of VisualX uses a better designed interface than before: Class modules! Now, you no longer need to wrestle with drawing controls onto your forms.

As of this news flash, VisualMusic and VisualMain are the only top-level classes implemented. There is another class, Clip, that you use with VisualMusic.... read more

Posted by Mike C 2003-08-31

Version 1.6 released

Good news! Version 1.6 of VisualX is released!

New features include:
- DirectInput support (mostly done)
- DirectDraw primitives functions (i.e. DrawRect, etc.)
- Optimizations in some places

I'm sure that there is more than that, but it's past 1:00AM where I am, and I can't think right now.

Why am I posting an update at 1:00AM? Because we just got this project approved at SourceForge and I want to get some stuff out ASAP. So, be happy.

Posted by Mike C 2003-08-29