
#6 Auto update subtitle time and text when pushing play


A lot of times I need to make double click to a subtitle (in the subtitles list) to make sure the subtitle (time and text) will be shown within the video with the latest changes I made to it. I mean, some times happens that I made a change in a subtitle, then I click Play, but the subtitle still doesn't have the new changes on the video window.


  • Pacheco

    Pacheco - 2010-05-23

    I guess this is a problem solved by:

    1st - Activate "Auto-save when playing start" in VisualSubSync
    2nd - "Apply changes immediately" in VobSub

    Because the video "window" uses VobSub to display subtitles, and isn't VisualSubSync that manages it...

    (anyone correct this if I'm wrong, but o think that's how it works)

  • Christophe PARIS

    To achieve automatic update without always saving, VSS includes its own version of VSFilter / Vobsub (the read arrow in your traybar).
    Every time you do a modification, it save a file in the temporary directory, and this file is reloaded into VSFilter/VobSub so next time you hit play it should be updated.

    Do you see the read arrow in your traybar ?

  • Christophe PARIS

    • labels: 1143926 --> Main Program
  • Randradam

    Randradam - 2010-05-24

    Again here, I'm the anonymous user. Thanks a lot for the responses. Activate "Auto-save when playing start", as pacacc said, solves the problem, but it makes the app overwrite the subtitles in any time (In some cases I'd like to maintain the subtitles untouched and only check for some problems).

    I can see the red arrow icon in the traybar. One of the options is "VSS Custom VSFilter" but aparently nothing happens when I click in it.

    I made various tests: I made a little change on the subtitles, then I click Play and the change is not showed in the video. If I double click the subtitle in the subtitle list or in the wave form, the subtitle is then updated and showed as must be over the video.

    In the Preferences window of VSS when I clicked on "Show backups..." my Windows Vista showed an error (something like "Destination not avaliable", but in spanish because I use this localization). I checked the path ("C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSubSync\Backup") and it didn't exist, then I created it, but even if I check "Auto-save when playing start" no file is saved there. In the case of the button captioned as "2" the path ("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\VisualSubSync") did exist and I checked the subtitles changes are automaticaly stored there, but only when "auto-save" is checked.

    I think I only have installed XviD, AC3Filter and Cyberlink and Nero codecs, then I think that the DirectVOBSub that is working here is VSS own.


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