
Use the login name in MobiRate

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-04

    I'm using MobiRate with joomla 1.6. I think it's amazing! It's really simple but so powerful. I've found only a "flaw" (maybe it's my fault, but i haven't found nothing to change this).
    To post the comment it's necessary to login, and that's right. But after logged in, it's possible to comment with any name. I'm asking if it was possible to oblige user to comment with their real name (the name used to login and maybe an option would be great!).
    Keep it up!
    Thank you


  • Magnus Häggström

    Hi, and thanks for your opinion. Your abolutely right, their should be an option in the backend to force the use of username when logged in.

    If you want to change permission on who can add comments and not, you have to do that in the backen component.
    1. Go to "Components" -> "MobiRate" in the menu.
    2. Then select the "Options" button in the upper right corner.
    3. In the pop-up window go to the "Permissions"-tab.
    4. Set the create-action to allowed for the "Public" group.

    While your in that pop-up window, chech-out the other tabs where you configure your MobiRate functionality.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-05

    Thank you for your reply.
    I've seen how to give or not permission to a group of users and that works fine.
    I think it's right that is necessary to be logged in order to comment (anyway it's easy to change this if someone want to give to all visitors the capability to post)
    The only functionality that's missing is this option to oblige the user to post with its login name.
    So, i'll wait for this option :)
    Well, i'd like to try to add this function by myself, but my programming skills are only up to c (i'm an electronics) and i know only very few php and no mysql. BTW i don't know how joomla is interfaced with the extensions…
    Said that, i'm hoping i don't take too much of your time with this request.
    Done this, i think that this extension would be great! (maybe the only thing more is to use a better capcha recognizer and to call this function "enable capcha" in the option tab _)
    Ok, thank you again for your time, keep it up and i'll wait for news!

    Alex Pacini_

  • Magnus Häggström

    We added a ticken for this improvment. The ticket number is #253 (

    Hopefully it will be implemented in the april-sprint.

    Thanks for your opinion!

    // Magnus Häggström

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-08

    Thank you!
    You're welcome


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