
Ansys 13 workbench

  • fixitben

    fixitben - 2011-05-03

    We have been using abaqus for a while and it works great. We just started to us ansys with virtualgl and we are getting errors when you go into the geometry area of workbench. The error is Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":32.0".

    The wierd part is if you run real vnc it works without a problem. But as soon as you run turbovnc you get this error. Since we run turbovnc for abaqus all our scripts point to that. I was wondering if anybody had a solution to this error with ansys.

    The command I use to launch workbench is /opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglrun /opt/ansys_inc/v130/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2


  • DRC

    DRC - 2011-05-03

    The fact that it works with RealVNC is a red herring.  RealVNC has software OpenGL support, so that's what's allowing it to work (but without hardware acceleration.)  The root cause of the problem is that VirtualGL isn't being loaded properly into the app.  We had an active thread regarding this on virtualgl-users, but I was waiting on the user to test some configurations for me, since I don't have the app:

    These configurations were basically permutations of:
    - Setting the setuid bits (chmod u+s) on /usr/lib/lib* and /usr/lib64/lib* (some of the information provided by the user suggested to me that some part of the app was invoking a setuid binary.)
    - Renaming any local copies of* that are distributed with the app.
    - Moving vglrun to the last line of the startup script (the line that invokes mono.)

    If none of the above works, I'm lost.

  • fixitben

    fixitben - 2011-05-03

    I tried all but - Moving vglrun to the last line of the startup script (the line that invokes mono.
    Where do I make this change?

  • fixitben

    fixitben - 2011-05-03

    Ok this is what I changed in the runwb2. Was this what I was supposed to do?

    if  ; then
    vglrun $MONO_PREFIX/bin/mono $WBII_ROOT/Framework/bin/$ARCH/AnsysFW.exe $WBIIINTARGS
    elif  ; then
    vglrun $MONO_PREFIX/bin/mono $abs_exename $Cmd
    elif  ; then
    exec $Cmd

    None of these fixes seemed to make a difference.


  • DRC

    DRC - 2011-05-03

    Yeah, that was it.  I can try a C# OpenGL test application to see if that repros the issue.  Not sure what else to try short of obtaining the app.

  • fixitben

    fixitben - 2011-05-03

    Well I would really like to get this to work. So if you need me to test anything I will.
    I am not sure how you would get a copy of ansys 13.


  • DRC

    DRC - 2011-05-11

    I have run the Tao examples using Mono, and those work fine with VirtualGL, so I am at a loss without the app.

    I have created a new bug tracker item for this at:

    Please post any further information or comments there.