
#102 Window appears on 2 desktops when set to display on only one


Windows XP
Dual monitors (not sure if this is an issue or not)
Virtual Dimension v0.94
I have 2 virtual desktops.
- Desktop 1: Textpad
- Desktop 2: Windows Explorer

Steps to reproduce:
1. Switch to Desktop 2.
2. Right-click on a file in explorer and choose "Textpad"
(in the popup menu) in order to open the file in text pad.

Textpad is now visible on both desktops.
Textpad appears in the taskbar for both desktops.
The Textpad icon is only visible in the first desktop
in the Virtual Dimension Display window.
Right-click on the taskbar item and enter the Virtual
Dimension menu, and only "Desktop 1" is checked.
Changing it to display on "All desktops" doesn't fix it.

If I "Minimize to tray" using 4t Tray Minimizer, it
seems to "fix" it after it is broken.

If you can't reproduce it...send me an email on and I will try more options like
killing some of my other apps that may interfere with it.

Otherwise, keep up the good work guys! Its a great
application :)


  • boesi

    boesi - 2006-10-06

    Logged In: YES

    I can confirm this.

    I have configured 3 desks and also 2 monitors and XP.

    Acrobat is opened with a pdf on the 1. desk. Then I open
    another pdf on the 2. desk. VD switches to the 1. desk and
    the Acrobat-Window is shown at all desks. But the icon is
    only shown on the 1. desk. This happens when "Auto switch
    desktop" is enabled.

    When "Auto switch desktop" is disabled, the Acrobat-Window
    is opened on the 2. desk and the icon moves also to 2.
    desk. But the window is visible on all desks.

    I don't use any "to-tray-minimizer", so I don't have
    another workaround than restarting the app.

    In Acrobat I've disabled "Show documents in taskbar". If I
    enable this, the behaviour gets even more weird.

    I hope my english is not so bad as it seems to me.

  • Malte Starostik

    Malte Starostik - 2007-02-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I can confirm this, too.
    I had four desktops, named "1", "2", "3", and "4" (just the numbers, no quotes). When I selected the menu item to move a window to "2", it appeared on all desktops instead and "All desktops" was checked. After renaming the desktops to "Desktop 1" etc. the problem disappeared.


  • Ankit

    Ankit - 2007-06-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    It shows the window on all desktops (I have 4 and see the window on all four), and this happens for me every time it uses "auto-switch desktop". I haven't tried turning it off, but I suspect it has to do with making the window visible before switching.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I was also hit by the issue.
    -- DINH Viêt Hoà

  • Todd

    Todd - 2008-06-23

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have a similar problem with Firefox. If I click new to compose a message in Microsoft outlook web (in IE tab), it causes Firefox to also be displayed in desktop 0, although it doesn't show up in the preview window.


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