Anonymous - 2011-06-19

I am not allowed to attach a file in your bug report. So I add the full tiny diff for the two issues here (diff against master):

diff --git a/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim b/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
index 4a1049d..8a7cce5 100644
--- a/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
+++ b/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
@@ -141,13 +141,13 @@ function! Tex_Complete(what, where)

- elseif exists("s:type") && (s:type =~ 'includegraphics' || s:type == 'psfig')
+ elseif exists("s:type") && (s:type == 'includegraphics' || s:type == 'psfig')
call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
\ '',
\ '^\.\\|\.tex$\\|\.bib$\\|\.bbl$\\|\.zip$\\|\.gz$',
\ 'noext',
\ Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ImageDir', '.'),
- \ Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ImageDir', ''))
+ \ '')

elseif exists("s:type") && s:type == 'bibliography'
call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(