
vSphere 6 Support

  • Boris Belov

    Boris Belov - 2015-01-23

    Last VI Java release was in the fall 2013 and labeled as Beta support for vSphere 5.5.

    vSphere 6 will be released in the spring of 2015 by VMWare.

    If there are plans to include a support for vSphere 6 ?

    Thank you,

    • LeeMc

      LeeMc - 2015-03-04

      I'm curious if anyone has tried ViJava with vSphere 6?

      I did and immediately hit problems with the InventoryNavigator class. It did not work at all for me, so I had to replace my code that used InventoryNavigator with straight PropertyCollector code.

      Anyone else run into this?

      • errr

        errr - 2015-03-04

        Hi Lee,
        I assume you are the same Lee from github, if so can you update the bug we were working on at github with the errors you were getting? I have functional support for 6 and havent had any issues with the inventory navigator so if you will update that issue on github with any stack traces or what ever Ill try to fix it if I can reproduce it. I wont be able to push the fixes until I hear back from vmware about the nda status, but at least I can have the fix ready to go..


        Last edit: errr 2015-06-03
  • errr

    errr - 2015-03-03

    Hi Boris,

    I maintain an active fork of this project on github called yavijava Ive been working on support for 6 as well as several other interesting features. The project is available in maven and I welcome any help anyone is willing to offer.


    Last edit: errr 2015-06-03
  • Selvaraj

    Selvaraj - 2015-06-01

    Hi All,
    I have one simple vsphere plugin with vijava 5.5 and in vcenter 5.5.. Now I upgraded my vcenter 5.5 to vcenter 6.0. And then, while i run my plugin, its not working. I couldnt fetch anything from vijava, like datacentre, host, datastores..

    please somebody suggest me..

    • errr

      errr - 2015-06-03

      If youre using code that uses the InventoryNavigator its going to fail on 6.0 it is hard coded to look for version 4 or 5 of the api, and when it finds version 6 it loads the wrong traversal specs. I fixed that in yavijava, Ive also got a 6.0 beta release ready. You can find out more here:

  • Damon

    Damon - 2015-11-24

    I'm using the InventoryNavigator with vijava 5.1 against esxi 6.0 and I'm not having a problem. I'm calling the searchManagedEntities method with vcente 6.0 and searchManagedEntity method when connecting to a single host. In both cases I'm searching the root folder and it seems to be working.

    Do you have a specific use case you could share that would break? I'm just wondering if there an an environmental aspect to this issue. If so I want to handle that case as well and maybe I need to upgradae to yavijava afterall.


  • M V V Subrahmanyam

    I used InventoryNavigator with vijava5.5b against vCenter 6.0 it is working as expected. Am i missing something here?

    • Damon

      Damon - 2015-11-25

      I'm thinking there's an environmental aspect to this that I'd need to recreate to see the issue.


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