
VQWiki 2.8 RC2 released

Hi all, it's time for a new VQWiki binary package before the official 2.8 release, so here we have VQWiki 2.8 RC2!

We have another RC2 as the changes were bigger than expected, so once again we seek feedback from you, the current VQWiki users, and we invite you to upgrade (after a propert backup) and verify everything is ok so we can ship the 2.8 final. Thanks for all the support.

A reminder for the latest news introduced with RC1:
1) JIRA has moved to
2) the MySQL JDBC driver is not included anymore in the WAR, and you have to download and add it manually
2) there is a new self-executable JAR distribution that embeds the winstone servlet container, it can be launched with "java -jar vqwiki-2.8-RC2.jar" and you will have a vqwiki already running on port 8080 with file-based persistence

A full list of changes from 2.7.91 is on JIRA:

Have fun!


Posted by Marcello Teodori 2008-11-07

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