

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-01


    being new to VeraCrypt (but a bit experienced with Truecrypt in the past),
    I cann't assig Hotkeys to actions: Whatever I do, I cant change the "OEM-233"-entry (see screenshot) in the Key-field after highlighting the requested action; all the same if I try to mark it, klick into it and try to enter the key or key-combination or anything else i could imagine... is there a trick which I dont see??

    Greetings from Vienna (and sorry if my English is not perfect)


  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-05-01

    Hi Chris,

    So, when you type a letter like A or M, nothing happens on the field? This is very just have to select this field with the mouse and then type any key on the keyboard and the field is updated with its value.

    From the screenshot, you didn't configure any hotkey (the shortcut column is empty). When you open the Window again and you select an action, what happen when you type 'A' or 'M' on the keyboard?
    What key are typing on your keyboard to display OEM-233?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-06

    Hello Mounir,

    sorry for answering that late, I'm in Mongolia at the moment and didn't have internet the last days;-)

    Funny enough, after rebooting several times (which I also had done after installiation) the last days I tried VeraCrypt again today and it worked - I'm puzzled (but happy). All other things in VC work like a charm up to now!

    So from my side see the request as solved.

    Thanks so much for your fast reply and greetings from Ulaanbaator


  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-05-06

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the update. Happy to see that the issue is solved although we'll never know what really happened.

    Have a good journey in Mongolia!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-20

    Hello Mounir...

    I am dealing with the same exact OEM-233 problem. Here is a screenshot:

    I restarted, tried keyboard listening tools to see if something was locked or not. I can't find a solution...


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-22


  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-05-22


    As with the first poster, I have difficulty understanding what is happening exactly. So, after you open the Hot Keys dialogs, you select an empty entry and then what ever key you type, it always displays OEM-233?
    If the procedure is different, can you please describe in details what it happening?

    I want to understand if this OEM-233 values appears spontaneously or it appears after you type any key.

    What's the language of your Windows? What's you keyboard layout? If you change your keyboard layout to US one, does the field still displays OEM-233 what ever key is pressed?

    Thank you for your help on this.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-08-15

    I have the same problem. This is what happens. When I open the hotkeys window the "Key to assign" window is empty and the "ctrl" and "alt" boxes are checked. When I click on one of the actions in the top window, the "Key to assign" window suddenly shows "OEM-233". If I click inside the "Key to assign" window, the cursor will appear at the beginning of the line just before the O in OEM-233. The cursor can not be moved either by clicking elsewhere or by using the arrow keys. If I try to click and drag to highlight the OEM-233 nothing happens. The cursor just remains before the O and nothing is highlighted. The delete key has no effect on it either. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium and the language is set to US English.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2018-01-09
  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-08-18

    Thank you for your details description.

    Defintely there is a software running in your machine that automatically and constantly sends this OEM-233 key to the system and that's why it is captured by VeraCrypt HotKey dialog.

    After a research, it appears that this OEM-233 is documented as OemReset by HotKeyNet:

    And other forums show that this value can also be used by specific software to trigger actions:

    Are you using HotKeyNet or any other multiboxing software? If yes, you will have to disable it before displaying VeraCrypt HotKey dialog.


    Last edit: Mounir IDRASSI 2015-08-18
  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-08-27


    I have implemented a workaround that should solve the OEM-233 issue you are encountering. It is available in the latest 1.14-BETA that can be downloaded here:

    Can you please confirm that it is OK now?

    Of course, the best solution is disable the software that is sending those OEM-233 all the time but the workaround should work.


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