
#408 SVN Rev 11903 - some Jumps seg fault

Crashes (68)

I am getting seg faults for the following jumps

17-or to Oldziey
cephid-17 to Oldziey

Stirling to Cordell
Bernards Star to Cordell
Cephid-17 to Cordell

I deleted and checked out a new copy of data4.x to make sure that I didn't have any file corruptions.

There may be others but these are the two systems that I can't seem to jump into at this time. I will continue to make jumps and any others that I find I will add to the list.

Attached is the results of
./vegastrike > stdout.txt
due to the size of the file I did snip it a bit. with [[snip]] showing where I snipped text out.


  • Robert T Childers

    results of ./vegastrike > stdout.txt truncated to beginning and end of file

  • Robert T Childers

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Additional jumps that crash

    Cephid 17 to enyo
    Stirling to enyo

  • thrawn

    thrawn - 2008-02-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I had a similar problem:
    often, when I got near a jump point or base with lots of other ships, i would get a segfault.
    i also had some errors which had to do with random encounters:
    part of stderr:

    Loading a starsystem
    Loading Star System Bztutpt/Tkkabtl
    Next To: Bztutpt/Ahbazzzeen
    Next To: Bztutpt/Tkkabtl
    Next To: Bztutpt/Ptzzeen
    Next To: Bribztkaber/Yqqhtkyqqh
    Next To: Bribztkaber/Bzzzaan
    Next To: Bribztkaber/Aantlpzezdot -0.169161dot -0.167830Warning Traceback 1:
    File "", line 11, in ?
    File "b/", line 7, in MakeUnit
    File "m/", line 757, in CreateMissions
    File "m/", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
    File "m/", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
    File "m/", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
    File "m/", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
    File "m/", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
    File "m/", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
    Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction aeran_merchant_marine variable possessive

    Warning Traceback 2:
    File "", line 11, in ?
    File "b/", line 7, in MakeUnit
    File "m/", line 757, in CreateMissions
    File "m/", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
    File "m/", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
    File "m/", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
    File "m/", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
    File "m/", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
    File "m/", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
    Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction aeran_merchant_marine variable possessive

    Warning Traceback 3:
    File "", line 11, in ?
    File "b/", line 7, in MakeUnit
    File "m/", line 757, in CreateMissions
    File "m/", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
    File "m/", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
    File "m/", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
    File "m/", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
    File "m/", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
    File "m/", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
    Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction aeran_merchant_marine variable nicks

    Warning Traceback 4:
    File "", line 11, in ?
    File "b/", line 7, in MakeUnit
    File "m/", line 757, in CreateMissions
    File "m/", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
    File "m/", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
    File "m/", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
    File "m/", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
    File "m/", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
    File "m/", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
    Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction aeran_merchant_marine variable full

    Warning Traceback 5:
    File "", line 11, in ?
    File "b/", line 7, in MakeUnit
    File "m/", line 757, in CreateMissions
    File "m/", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
    File "m/", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
    File "m/", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
    File "m/", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
    File "m/", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
    File "m/", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
    Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction highborn_citizen variable possessive

    Warning Traceback 6:
    File "", line 11, in ?
    File "b/", line 7, in MakeUnit
    File "m/", line 757, in CreateMissions
    File "m/", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
    File "m/", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
    File "m/", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
    File "m/", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
    File "m/", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
    File "m/", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
    Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction highborn_citizen variable possessive

    Asking to undock
    segmentation fault

  • thrawn

    thrawn - 2008-02-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I was able to fix this by completely wiping vegastrike off my system (except for my ~/.vegastrike folder and the data.4.x/vegastrike.xps that contains the ships information). after a reinstall everything was back to normal again.
    This bug occurred after a couple of hours gameplay. maybe somewhere some junk piles up somewhere in the data folder? e.g. maybe the uncompleted missions don't get cleared out properly after dying and reloading?
    system: Gentoo linux amd64

  • Sinthramyr

    Sinthramyr - 2008-02-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    For some reason I cannot find stdout.txt or stderr.txt in my mac. Is this a windows or linux only output or is there something specific I need to do here?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    stdout and stderr are console output modes on unix systems (OS X is also a unix based system).
    you can get them into a file by launching vegastrike from the console like so:
    <vegastrike executable> 1> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt
    however I have no idea what the name of the vegastrike executable is.
    It is probably located somewhere in the applications directory under
    if you use the terminal to browse to applications, you will notice that is actually a directory...
    in this directory do
    ls -l
    and look for something that says -rxw at the beginning of the line...

    good luck :)

  • thrawn

    thrawn - 2008-02-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    So, the problem appeared again.
    I was able to fix it by replacing the data dir with a backup version i had made after rebuilding it. Now I played again and looked at what files in the data dir changed:
    the problem must be in one of these files.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    .pyc files are just the results of Python compiling the .py files. If the .py files haven't changed then your not seeing a change in whats being run.

  • thrawn

    thrawn - 2008-03-09

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    so there must be some problem in vegastrike.config - right?
    the next time I am having trouble I'll just replace that one...

  • Pheonix Rising

    Pheonix Rising - 2011-11-26
    • status: open --> open-out-of-date
  • Pheonix Rising

    Pheonix Rising - 2011-11-26

    Submit comment if this still affects you.



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