
Vector Alpha

Victor H Olvera

About This Project:
Vector Alpha is a programming experienment of sorts. I am researching and developing personal technology on how to make chat software. To me this is a corner stone to larger more practical projects therefore I am conducting this project as a researcher. I am deeply documenting it, studying all the ins and outs, etc.

This project does not compare to all the great open-source software out there BUT it is a very good learning tool. So I am releasing it here as public-domain. As is the server is simple but capable and very well documented.

If you are going to take a look at it, I recommend that you look at its documentation more so then the source code. Its what I am spending most of my time doing. Its in nice PDF format and I made some nice diagrams and stuff.

I would love translators. If you like this work and you are fluent in another language I would love to work with you in translating it.

Jan 27, 2012 - Project Status:
Vector Alpha is on a late alpha stage, what that means is that it does most of what its supposed to do BUT the design is not finished per say. Changes still happen that break the compatibility between the server and client software.

At the moment there is a client program that goes with this server. I plan on saving it on a different project and I haven't gotten to it. The source code for the client is in for Windows and its messy because I keep on changing stuff. If you are interested in taking a looking at it just send me a msg.

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