
Visio VDX to SVG XSLT Stylesheet / News: Recent posts

Visio VDX to SVG XSLT Stylesheet Release 1.5

Major changes:
(a) NURBS curves are supported
(b) All Visio predefined patterns are supported

This may be the last release for a while. I'm going to be changing jobs and my (prospective) new employer doesn't use Visio 2002. See the Release 1.5 README notes for more details on what support I'll be able to provide.

Posted by John Breen 2002-07-20

Mail Problems

If anyone has been trying to email me via my SourceForge address (, it turns out that I had a spam filtering problem that may have caused it to get deleted. I have no idea how long it was like this.

If you thought I was ignoring you, *please* email me again :-).

Posted by John Breen 2002-07-18

Visio VDX to SVG XSLT Stylesheet Release 1.4

I know this is pretty quick on the heels of the last release, but I got animation support working and I just had to share it :).

See the README for instructions on adding animation. Feel free to use the forums for help and/or comments.

Posted by John Breen 2002-06-24

Visio VDX to SVG XSLT Stylesheet Release 1.3

The goal of this project is to develop an XSLT stylesheet for translating Visio VDX (XML) files to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).

I've just released version 1.3. See the README for details.

I'm probably going to start concentrating more on animation for a while (that was my main reason for doing this in the first place).

The text handling is about as far as I can take it with the current SVG capabilities.... read more

Posted by John Breen 2002-06-19

Visio VDX to SVG XSLT Stylesheet Release 1.2

The goal of this project is to develop an XSLT stylesheet for translating Visio VDX (XML) files to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).

Release 1.2 is out. Too many changes to list. Probably the biggest deficiency right now is full marker support.

Posted by John Breen 2002-05-24

First release

I've made an initial release of the stylesheet. Included in the release package are two Visio VDX files that demonstrate the translation (note that not everything on these drawings works yet).

Posted by John Breen 2002-05-09