Vlad ROMASCANU - 2002-04-09

Logged In: YES

Please uninstall VDMSound, log in as user Administrator,
then reinstall VDMSound. If running your games as a
different user, then log in as that user (after having
installed VDMSound as Administrator) and from Control
Panel/Add Remove Programs choose to "repair" VDMSound (this
should create "Run with VDMS" for that user on Win2k and

Now, for Doom, Blood, Heretic & Co. (all games based on the
BUILD engine) you will have to get and use CLI2NOP (search
for CLI2NOP on groups.google.com), or else they will freeze
during startup. "Run with VDMS" should run the games in
the games' directory, not the VDMS one (otherwise "Run with
VDMS" won't work at all).
