
Uninstalling VDMSound

  • hojo

    hojo - 2007-02-15

    I'm trying to uninstall VDMSound from a Windows XP Pro system, however I cannot find any uninstall applet.  Is there a way to manually uninstall VDMSound?  I'm using version 2.0.4. TIA.

    • Red Goblin

      Red Goblin - 2007-02-15

      No need for manual uninstall in this case - just:
      * Open the 'Control Panel' (in, e.g., 'Start'->'Settings' menu)
      * Start the 'Add or Remove Programs' applet
      * Wait for the list to populate
      * Scroll down to VDMSound & select it
      * Hit the 'Change/Remove' button
      * Follow your nose ...

      Bon chance

      • hojo

        hojo - 2007-02-15

        Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately there is no such entry listed in WinXP's Add/Remove Programs applet. Is there any other method to uninstall?  Thanks again.

        • Red Goblin

          Red Goblin - 2007-02-15

          Oo 'eck!  Assuming you have admin rights on the PC in question, it's beginning to sound like a registry problem (incomplete installation or later corruption).

          The crucial hive appears to be
              My Computer
          if you've a notion to fire up the Registry Editor and drill down to check.  You could even search the whole registry for "VDMSound" while you're in there - if only to get a feel for how knowledgeable and desperate you'd need to be to attempt a manual uninstallation.  If you don't know how to run the Registry Editor, I'd have to give you nanny's standard "look but don't touch in case you screw something up" warning before pointing you at 'Start'->'Run...' and suggesting you type "regedit".

          More pragmatically, in your shoes, I'd try to correct the registry (so add/remove can then do its thing) by simply reinstalling v2.0.4.  If that didn't do the trick, I'd then try to crack the stalemate by upgrading to v2.1.0-beta.  Beyond that, I'd start praying for suggestions from one of the development team!

          • Vlad ROMASCANU

            Vlad ROMASCANU - 2007-02-25

            The easiest way out is to install VDMSound again, then uninstall it.
            Manually cleaning it up involves removing keys in HKEY_ROOT namely .vlp and vlpfile, as well as the COM registration entries you'll find in the .rgs files in CVS/SVN on the project page.

            • Red Goblin

              Red Goblin - 2007-02-25

              Thanks, Vladr, for confirming my last suggestion.  I'm not sure why Hojoforge didn't apparently try it before giving up.  If he had tried and failed, it might have then been mutually educational to discuss why.  A report of success, on the other hand, would wrap up this thread for the benefit of other folk finding themselves in similar pickle.

            • hojo

              hojo - 2007-02-25

              Thanks, Vlad for your reply. I was concerned that reinstalling, before uninstalling, might leave double Registry entries or cause other problems, and since the system has been running fine I just figured I'd leave well enough alone. I'm glad to hear that my fears were unfounded. Thanks again.

        • BenShami

          BenShami - 2007-02-16

          Actually Redgoblin is on the money...I'm betting you tried to do a delete on the file first and now you realized that there are all these extensions hanging about. Good luck on that one... I must say I've been there and done that.. and I would suggest rather than going after the Registery for a look see (dumpster diving)..perhaps going to a previous back up that still has the original vdms sound intact...then
          go back to add/remove software to handle it.  I do hope you back up your system or use the system restore..also your temp doc file might have saved a copy of the uninstall... that's kind of a long shot ..of course there is also the old "dump the hard drive and start again".. but I'd be tempted to do Redgoblins treasure hunt before I got that drastic...I tend to fill up a hard drive with a lot of application specific dribble(a pain to reload).

    • hojo

      hojo - 2007-02-18

      Thanks for the suggestions guys. RegGoblin, I think you're right about it being either a Registry or installation problem.  I did check for that Registry entry but it doesn't exist. However, without a precise manual uninstall procedure I think I'll just leave VDMS as is. Its presence doesn't adversely affect anything; I was just trying to do some hard drive housecleaning.  BenShami, I do keep images of my system partition, and I did try restoring earlier ones, but no luck, no VDMS entry appeared in the Add/Remove Programs applet.

      I plan on replacing my motherboard later this year so the OS reinstallation will take care of this issue eventually.  Fortunately, I'm not using VDMSound right now anyway. Thanks again.


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