
updated build.txt

  • David Lawler

    David Lawler - 2009-11-19

    I've had success building the project with the following (updated) instructions.  Please feel free to use this (or not) as you please!

    - Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition with SP1 (
    - Perl (cygwin perl (  or activestate perl ( )
    - Python (2.5 used:
    - Gnuwin32 gawk, gzip, flex, bison (and it's dependancies), sed (and it's dependancies (
    - Copy gawk.exe to awk.exe
    - Make sure that the gnuwin32 binaries are in a directory path with no spaces, like 'C:\gnuwin32\bin'
    - Make sure the environment PATH includes the directory where the gnuwin32 binaries are
    - Download/install a command line version of svn. (other versions are fine too).
    - Make sure that the directory where the svn.exe file is, is added to the System PATH
    - Make sure python, perl are in the environment PATH
    - make sure the command prompt is set for compiling with the visual studio compiler (vcvars32.bat)

    Building freetype:
    - open freetype\freetype.sln in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
      Build configurations 'Release Multithreaded' and 'Debug Multithreaded'

    Building openssl:
    - run 'perl Configure VC-WIN32' in the openssl directory
    - run 'ms\do_masm.bat' in the openssl' directory
    - run 'nmake -f ms\nt.mak' in the openssl directory
    - run 'nmake DEBUG=1 -f ms\nt.mak' in the openssl directory (if you want to build the DEBUG version of vcxsrv)

    Building pthreads:
    - goto pthreads directory
    - run 'nmake VC-static'
    - run 'nmake VC-static-debug'

    Building mesa
    - goto mesalib\windows\VC8\mesa
    - open mesa.sln
    - Build configuration 'Release'

    Building mhmake
    - open tools\mhmake\mhmake.sln in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
    - Build the Debug and Release configurations
    - Copy Debug\mhmake_dbg.exe and Release\mhmake.exe to a directory in your environment PATH

    Add an environment variable named MHMAKECONF having as value the root directory of the sources.
    e.g.: set MHMAKECONF=c:\vcxsrv\trunk

    Building vcxsrv:
    - run 'mhmake MAKESERVER=1' in xorg-server directory
    - run 'mhmake DEBUG=1 MAKESERVER=1' in xorg-server directory for a debugable version

    To build installer:
    - install
    - run 'packageall.bat' in xorg-server\installer

    To clean the project tree (uses svn) go to the top directory at a command prompt and type in 'python tools\ -r'

    On another topic what is the odd comment about GPL3 OpenSSL all about?  I assume that your work is GPL3 and all the other software is under it's original license.  We are all going to need to go to Law School pretty soon :(

    Also, I tried to apply the hardware opengl patches from Xming….but got lost rapidly in gcc/msvc incompatibilities - it will have to wait for a REAL c programmer to look at.



  • marha

    marha - 2009-11-20

    Thanks for the info.

    Indeed only the stuff I am writing is GPL3, all other software is under it's original license. I do now know why that person has written that comment.

    I am currently also adding the patches for using the native wgl. It is compiling and running, but it still does not use any hardware acceleration. Still investigating …


  • marha

    marha - 2009-11-23

    It seems that in this implementation hardware acceleration is only working in multiwindow mode (-multiwindow) and when doing indirect rendering (export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1). You also have to give -wgl on the command line.


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