
Videotron Cable Modem Usage / News: Recent posts

New quotas for March 2009

Videotron has changed the usage quotas. They are now all combined quotas. Please check the HELP forum for an updated REG file.

Posted by Etienne Tasse 2009-03-02

Version 1.10 Released

Change log for 1.10 (etasse) ---
- 928988 Quotas changed on Apr 2004
- 906448 Run-time error 400 after clicking ABOUT
- 906446 Prevent multiple instances

Posted by Etienne Tasse 2004-04-06

Quotas 04/2004

The high-speed quotas have changed. They are now 20GB download and 10GB upload.
Les quotas ont changes pour le service haute-vitesse. Ils sont maintenant 20GB aval et 10GB amont

Posted by Etienne Tasse 2004-04-03

Web Page

At last, a proper web page.
Enfin, une vraie page web.

Posted by Etienne Tasse 2004-02-28

Old news from

Oct. 13, 2003: First of all, I would like to apologize for not being able to answer all the beta requests I received during the past few weeks. I have been extremely busy with school and I still have a lot of work ahead of me. Therefore, I cannot, for the time being, continue to develop or support VCMU. For this reason, I have decided to release the program's source code under the GPL licence, in hopes that it may live on and be improved.... read more

Posted by Etienne Tasse 2004-02-26


At last figured out how to use TortoiseCVS with Sourceforge.
The VCMU code has been loaded into the repository, along with three revisions:
- Jerome's last changes 1.05
- My tweaks (1.6,1.7) which add minimizable tray icon and automatic update.
- Fix the update timer (it works only once)
- Contact Jerome to add him as a developer to this project (he is the original author after all)
- Recruit you (YES YOU!) to improve this.
J'ai enfin compris comment utiliser TortoiseCVS avec Sourceforge.
Le code source de VCMU est maintenant disponible dans le repertoire, avec les trois revisions suivantes:
- La derniere version de Jerome; 1.05
- Mes ajustements (1.6,1.7) qui ajoutent un icone de tache minimse et une mise a jour automatique.
- Reparer le chrono de MaJ (marche une fois seulement)
- Contacter Jerome pour l'ajouter a la liste de developeurs (C'est l'auteur original!)
- Recruter d'autre developeurs (COMME VOUS!) pour ameliorer ce projet.

Posted by Etienne Tasse 2004-02-21

Welcome / Bienvenue

Videotron Cable Modem Usage is a freeware utility designed for Videotron internet cable modem customers. It gives them an alternative way of verifying their monthly bandwidth and dial-up usage. It displays the information in graphical form.

Consommation Modem Cble Vidotron est un utilitaire qui permet aux abonns du service d'accs internet par modem cble de Vidotron de vrifier leur consommation mensuelle rapidement et graphiquement.

Posted by Etienne Tasse 2004-02-06