
VCB Wrangler 1.0 released!

VCB Wrangler utilizes the VMware Consolidated Backup command line application vcbMounter.exe to schedule and manage bare-metal server backups. The VCB API is built into VMware Infrastructure 3, and does not require additional agent installations in the virtual machines. VCB is capable of backing up a VM with any operating system installed, and does not require VMware Tools be installed inside the VM.
Using VCB Wrangler to capture complete hard drive images of VMs provides a free system imaging solution for VI3.


+ Easy configuration using an XML file

+ Simple per-VM scheduling from one configuration file

+ Direct from SAN and over the network backup modes supported

+ Runs in scheduled task batch mode or interactive single backup mode from the same VBScript

+ Sends an email with details on each virtual machine backed up

+ Able to use passthrough authentication eliminating the need to store any passwords in files

+ Safely renames exisiting VCB images during backups and restores them if a backup operation fails, ensuring good images remain on disk

+ Written in VBScript and does not require anything be installed on the VCB proxy server

+ Freely customizable to meet the needs of any environment

Posted by Robert Patton 2009-03-27

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