
Version 10.3 release notes

The major change from version 9.4 to 10.3 is the option to sort all selected images by date. Previously the only alternatives were by file name within each folder selected (the default) or randomly. The date used is the Exif date-taken field, or if it is missing then the file's last-modified date. This option requires reading every file at the start of the program. On my system it passes about 8 files a second; results will vary depending on several external factors. If more than 100 files are selected, the program displays a progress window to show that it's running; less than 100, you have to have faith, though the threshold can be changed in the source code.

Error handling of invalid folder name in command-line arguments has been improved, along with the efficiency of retrieving metadata (date-taken, comment) from image files.

I removed code that called a Windows API to alter the screen resolution and refresh frequency; no longer needed (by me, anyway; I used to run PicShow on a CRT set to a low resolution).

And there are internal improvements, such as more graceful program termination.

Posted by ronks 2012-09-13

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