
vbIRCd1.1.96-Beta2 has been released!

Hey all, the latest beta update for version 1.1.96 has been released and no networking yet, sorry. This networking support thing is not impossible or anything, it's just taking WAY WAY WAY! longer then I thought it would. Networking support is a HUGE step for vbIRCd, and I want to make darn sure that it's fully successful when the time comes. As I annouced last release that I will first make it where vbIRCd can accept IRC services server link-ups before full blown networking support is implamented because that will be the best way to test to see how well vbIRCd handles a single network link connection in a very demanding way.

I have fixed and changes quite a bit as logged in the changes.log file that's included with the release(as always of course), and I also went ahead and released the installer for this latest beta release for those of who that cannot wait a minute to install it when a release is made. I also wish to start up another open source project(it's name will be reviled when the time has come) that is an old Instant Messanger like project of mine. It was first developed in 1998 as a nice little replacement for ICQ since many flaws were around back then(and many still are existant), plus no one liked the idea AOL having control of ICQ. Anyway, it's going to be a very, very sweet project! I will tell you right now I only want to develop the server side / network side part of the project and just get the client side started a bit then hand over it's development to someone who's really interested and knows what they are doing. I don't know yet if I will do the client in VB6 or just go ahead with VC++ 6.

Welp that's enough talk for one night, I'll be getting right back to vbIRCd development, and get a lot of code work done so that I can start emptying out that TODO.txt list. :)

Night all, and have a great evening!

Posted by Nathan Martin 2002-05-21

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