
#1020 VAPOR interferes with other Python apps

Alan Norton

Note the comment from Aake:
Indeed a significant problem. I'm currently using VAPOR in a class, where we also use "normal" Python (mostly the Canopy distribution) in exercises. Students using all sorts of systems -- Lunix, MacOS and Windows -- have problems with this. I'm running Windows 7, and I have to unset/set PYTHONHOME all the time; it must be off when using Canopy (which can't even start if it is set), and it must be on when using Python in VAPOR (which crashes upon opening the Python edit menu if it isn't). Since I recommend (and practice) that one should try out more complicated Python things in a separate Python environment first, and only then add it to the startup script, the problem is quite annoying. A solution could be that you rely instead on a VAPOR-specific environment variable, using that to locate the directories needed for VAPOR/Python, avoiding permanently setting any env var that Pyhon normally uses. -- Cheers, Åke N


  • Alan Norton

    Alan Norton - 2014-10-07
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Alan Norton

    Alan Norton - 2014-10-07

    Using changes checked-in on 10/7/14: Now the VAPOR_PYTHONHOME variable can be used to specify where the VAPOR python home is located. The PYTHONHOME variable in the user's environment is ignored by vaporgui. This happens on all platforms.

  • clynejp

    clynejp - 2014-12-15
    • Group: 2.3.0 --> 2.4.0.RC0

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