
Video4LinuxGrab / News: Recent posts

Video4Linux Grab 0.2.2 released

The v4lgrab project is a realtime capturing software for a Video4Linux device into an AVI file. This release fixes the errors and problems reported (audio/video sync problems) from the old version 0.2.1. This release also includes feature enhancements.

Posted by Marcus Schneider 2003-01-27

Video4Linux Grab 0.2.1 released

Channel selection now working. Perhapse, to many beers by last release... ;-)

Posted by Marcus Schneider 2002-11-02

Video4Linux Grab 0.2.0 released

The main GUI enhanced to support different time schedules on independ files by recording.

Posted by Marcus Schneider 2002-11-01

Video4Linux Grab 0.1.1 released

This release updates the previous which containts compile problems agains KDE libraries. Also Codec configuration is available.

Posted by Marcus Schneider 2002-09-29

Video4Linux Grab 0.1.0 released

The v4lgrab project is a realtime capturing software for a Video4Linux device in an AVI file. The version 0.1.0 of Video4Linux Grab is released. This version includes first time a KDE interface. Also near all features can be set by preferences: Size, Codec selection, Device selection, Record time, Destination file, preview window enable/disable and start/stop recording.
The following features are not functionaly:
Set codec parameters, enable/disable deinterlacing (enabled), channel selection and mixer settings.
This features will available in next release.

Posted by Marcus Schneider 2002-09-29

Project page upload!

We've uploaded our project page last evening. The address is . In future you can reach us via this link. We will add news and other information sections.


Posted by Christian Schellhase 2002-06-29

Project started!

Hi folks! Our project has started 5 days ago. The developer has already uploaded the source files into the cvs repository. Feel free to take a short look on it!

Posted by Christian Schellhase 2002-05-27