
issue with usbdm 4.10.6

  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-08-23

    I was running usbdm 4.10.5 (and before that 4.10.4) on both my desktop and laptop (Win Xp 32 bit on both of them) with no problems at all. Today I tried to install the new version (4.10.6) and after I click "Next" on the "Custom setup" dialog I'm getting error message:
    "USBDM Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, run Setup Wizard again. Click the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard"
    This is happening on both XP machines. At the same time the installation on one Win7 machine was successful. Can somebody help me around this?


  • Peter O'Donoghue

    Hi Jim,

    There is a dependency in the installer file that I missed. It doesn't show up on my test machine as it has MINGW installed (I suspect).

    I will check it out and update when I have a chance. Sorry for this.


  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-09-01

    Thanks Peter,
    I'll be waiting for the solution.

    • Peter O'Donoghue

      Hi Jim,

      My post is from a few days ago - The new file has been up for a while.
      If this has problems please let me know.



      Last edit: Peter O'Donoghue 2013-09-01
  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-09-03

    Hi Peter,
    Now everything with the installation works fine. Thanks about that.
    But now I have another problem. I'm using your software in the command prompt shell and script that was working with 4.10.5:
    "hcs08_flashprogrammer -device=MC9S08DV32 -masserase -program programfile.s19 -execute"
    doesn't work with 4.10.6 anymore and the program is showing me the hemp screen with the commands description. The same thing is with the S12:
    hcs12_flashprogrammer -device=MC9S12XS128 -masserase -program programfile.s19 -execute
    works with 4.10.5 and doesn't work with 4.10.6
    Can you look at that too?
    And because we are on this topic - can I ask you for another favour. Can you have some kind of an output after the programming using command prompt shell is done. For example if everything was right just print "OK" and when something is wrong just print some kind of error message. Because my program now doesn't know when the USBDM program is done and I need to wait more than it's necessary. This is especially bad when the S19 files are small and instead of finishing the whole process in 10 sec I need to wait 30 sec to make sure all the process are finished.

    Thanks you a lot for your support.

  • Peter O'Donoghue

    Hi Jim.

    The error in the command-line handling has been found and I will update after I do some more testing.

    It is difficult to have the command-line version print anything. It is actually a GUI program under windows and by default GUI programs don't have stdio connected to the terminal.

    The messages that do appear are actually from wxwidgets command-line parser rather than my code. I not sure how it does this.

    However, this should not be necessary. How are you running the programmer from another program. With the usual process launching your program would 'know' when the process completed. If running from a batch file this would be the same. The program does set the return code to indicate if an error occurs.


  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-09-08

    For now I'm just starting it from the command prompt and I can see from the programmed device that the programming finishes and the device restarts about 10 sec before usbdm exits back to the command prompt. But this is not as important as the scripts.


    Last edit: Jim 2013-09-08
  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-09-26

    Hi Peter,
    Now with the scripts for HCS08 work fine but with HSC12 something is still goofy. Sometime it works sometime I need to program the file two times to make it work. There is no error message at all. It ends like everything is successful but the MCU doesn't work and if I run the script again then it works. With the GUI program everything works from the first time.



    Last edit: Jim 2013-09-28
  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-11-14

    Hi Peter,
    I think I found out what is going on. If the flash memory was secured I need to run the shell HSC12 programmer twice to get it working. With unsecured flash memory everything is fine. The GUI version is OK and also the HCS08 shell and the GUI versions are OK. still has the same problem. I'm using the following script:
    "hcs12_flashprogrammer -device=MC9S12XS128 -masserase -program file.s19 -execute"
    if I use:
    "hcs12_flashprogrammer -device=MC9S12XS128 -masserase -program file.s19 -unsecure -execute"
    then everything works fine but then the memory is not secured anymore.



    Last edit: Jim 2013-11-14
  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-11-27

    Hi Peter,
    I just tested the new version and now the shell version for both S08 and S12 is not working at all. Nothing happens at all - no error message and it doesn't try to connect to the target at all. The GUI version is OK and works as expected.


  • Jim

    Jim - 2013-12-12

    Hi Peter,
    did you try to fix the problem with the command shell version because the new 105 version works exactly the same?



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