
UrJTAG 0.10 has been released

UrJTAG is an enhanced, modern tool for communicating over JTAG with flash chips, CPUs, and many more. It is a descendant of the popular openwince JTAG tools with a lot of additional features and enhancements.
This release has consolidated several parts of UrJTAG. Improvements in the build system and library detection now allow for better compatability with Windows platforms. This is complemented by a self-installing executable for Windows.
With the introduction of the "pod" command, all JTAG signals including TRST and SRST are now freely controllable. Flash programming performance has been improved by adding multi-byte write mode capability to the flash drivers.
Chips supporting this burst mode are automatically detected and benefit from a programming speed-up of several factors.
As always, many annoyances and bugs have been fixed since the last release.

Posted by Arnim Läuger 2009-04-18

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