
BSDL error (UrJTAG 0.10 #2039)

  • Radko Bankras

    Radko Bankras - 2013-07-08


    I have compiled UrJTAG from SVN (0.10 #2039) to be able to access the
    second port on a FT2232H. However, the detect command returns nothing.
    Errors are shown for all BSDL files as below.

    jtag> bsdl path /usr/local/share/urjtag
    jtag> cable ft2232 vid=0x0403 pid=0x6010 interface=1
    Connected to libftd2xx driver.
    jtag> detect
    jtag> bsdl test
    -N- Reading file '/usr/local/share/urjtag/MANUFACTURERS'
    error: -E- error: Line 1, Improper Entity declaration.
    error: -E- error: Line 1, Check if source file is BSDL.
    error: -E- error: BSDL file '/usr/local/share/urjtag/MANUFACTURERS'
    contains errors in VHDL stage, stopping
    jtag> discovery
    Detecting IR length ... -1
    Error: Invalid IR length!
    error: vhdl subsystem: Illegal character # (/043) at line 1:

    Bug or something I do wrong?

    • Arnim Läuger

      Arnim Läuger - 2013-07-08

      Hi Radko,

      The files in /usr/local/share/urjtag aren't BSDL format. They're cli scripts for the original autodetection mechanism. Afaik UrJTAG doesn't install any BSDL descriptions, you'd have to supply them yourself and point the parser to their location with 'bsdl path' command.


      • Radko Bankras

        Radko Bankras - 2013-07-09

        Thanks Arnim,

        I did convert a couple of BSDL files to complete the data in /usr/local/share/urjtag. It's nice that UrJTAG is now able to access the BSDL files directly and the conversion is no longer needed. The 'bsdl test' accepts most of the BSDL files ... there seems to be an error in one of the files from Xilinx ISE 13.4. Another step forward. :-)

        What about the response of the detect and discovery commands? This has not changed with using the actual BSDL files. The idcode command is detecting the chips in my JTAG chain. Do we still need to use index files (MANUFACTURERS, PARTS and STEPPINGS) for the detect and discovery commands to find their way to the correct BSDL file?


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